Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Love Poem

I was feeling emotional the other day, and wrote this poem for one of my kids.  I hope it speaks for other parents, as well.  We dream so big for our children, and can only hope and pray that they dream big, as well, and can push past barriers that get in their way...

Her eyes are filled with passion and drive,
Her heart bursts at the seam with her goals for the future.
A tough ride, she’s been dragged through the mud and flipped and turned and she’s struggled, yet she has survived.

I as her mom, have watched the unfolding of the beautiful creature that I call my daughter. 
A fiery sense of right and wrong – who knew it would serve her so well in the path she is on?
Harsh words coat the fragile voice that cries out to be heard,
to be seen,
to be valued.

Her confidence builds and I know she will thrive.
She has her eyes focused on the future in sight.
Dyslexia, dysfunction, distortion of the truth… can’t turn off her light.
It shines bright -
The God-given light shines from beauty inside.

I know she will make it,
Not just far, but places my mind can’t imagine.
Her God-given passion for justice and understanding
Will lead her and those around her to pursue goals both purposeful and true.

She has a firm foundation of family and faith,
a generous heart and compassion that make her great.
This is not what she is becoming – she already is.
Her greatness is inside her and she will not be limited by age.
Instead, she will grab the world with both hands and make it a better place.

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